Friday 16 January 2015

Helpful Techniques for Beginning Bowlers for a Better Game

When you’re a new bowler, hitting the bowling alley can be a little intimidating. If you’re insecure about your own performance, suddenly the alley can seem to be filled with all pros, all the time. Your first forays into bowling don’t have to be a nightmare, however. Just apply a few basic skills and techniques, and suddenly all the other bowlers will be glancing nervously at you for a change.

Pro bowlers love to say that the game is 90% mental, and that is the first challenge you have to conquer. Approach the game with confidence. Steel yourself for some successes and some failures, and don’t let either throw you off of the task at hand. Work on developing techniques that will help you stay focused and confident so you can develop a consistent game. Many professional bowlers recommend having a routine or ritual you complete before every shot to focus your attention on your shot and drown out all of the distractions that can be found around you in a bowling alley.

This routine can be anything from wiping down your ball to deep breathing to repeating a calming mantra to yourself. Develop your own routine that will help you remain calm and confident so you always bowl your best.

Another thing you can do to help you bowl successfully is care for your bowling equipment the right way. If you’re just getting started, maybe you are using simply using the bowling balls and rental shoes provided at the alley, but if you are planning on making bowling a serious hobby, you really ought to invest in your own gear. Go to a professional bowling shop and try out balls in all different weights to find one that works for your. Do the same for shoes â€" the pro shop staff should be able to help you decide which kind of shoe is best for you and your skill level.

If you’re anxious about being the new bowler on the block, spend some time learning the lingo so you’ll fit right in. Do the same with the basic rules of the game. You can buy a sports book dedicated to bowling terms and rules, or you can simply take a few lessons or pick the brain of a more experienced bowler.

When it comes to familiarizing yourself with the game, your fellow bowlers can be the resource you have. Get over your fear of being the least experienced bowler in the room and speak up. Check out the way other people play, and ask them for tips. If you see a bowler who seems to be successful, watch them play and try and see what they are doing that you can incorporate some of their moves into your routine. Never worry about embarrassing yourself by approaching more seasoned bowlers â€" most avid bowlers have a genuine love of the game that they will be more than happy to share with you.

Whether you’re walking into the bowling alley for the first time, or you’ve had a little bit of practice but are still wet behind the eats, never fear. Stay calm, focused, and confident, and make the most of the other bowlers around you; soon you’ll be bowling with ease.


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